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A Good Understanding About Food Sensitivity

Doctors usually use the patient information about food sensitivity and allergies to give medication to patient who have chronic medical complications. This information is very necessary in giving the patient the right medication. The problems in food sensitivity may include digestive disorders, irritable bowels, colitis, reflux disorders or any other less condition. The patient can have an allergy which he is not aware of. The disorder can deteriorate their health conditions and they may lack energy developing fatigue syndromes or acquire other chronic health problems due to a long period of wearing out and their health spiraling down.

A lot of people have the sensitivity to some types of food. But the sensitivity levels aren’t equal. The problem with diet can be categorized into two. Some are activated by the body immune response and others are caused by food intolerance intestinal-related problems.

The immune related sensitivity is a response that is caused by a protein that is not friendly to your body. Your body identifies it as a destructive intruder. The body responds to this threat by producing antibodies called immunoglobulin. The next you take this protein, the body immune system will merge the troops and release the antibodies to counter the invading ‘bad’ protein. Release of a powerful hormone called Histamine will be triggered. This hormone is usually released into the eyes, respiratory system or the skin and the effect is felt by the victims but they are unluckily familiar to it.

This sensitivity usually has no cure. Research has however linked this sensitivity to gut health. It was been found that patients having asthma and immunology issues increased sensitivity when exposed to some antibiotics. This was however interrupted by gut flora. These cases can luckily be treated using high quality antibiotics. The reason for this is because it’s the bacteria in the gut that influence the immune system. If one has a strong immune system, it may help minimize the overreactions to harmless food proteins.

The problem with food intolerance is caused by chemical reactions in the digestive system. Most people have this sensitivity with dairy products. This is a good example of food intolerance. If the victim lacks sufficient lactase enzymes which break down the lactose, the result will be bloating, abdominal pains and excessive gas. The different between the food allergy and food sensitivity is that those with food sensitivity can take small quantity of a certain food product and not experience any significant system while those facing allergies cannot consume any quantity of the food.

If you are a victim of food sensitivity, it is advisable to visit a medical expert or food allergy specialist to know the exact cause. The treatment involves removing a certain diet of the susceptible food one after the other until all the symptoms disappear. The diet is then slowly introduced to define the root of the sensitivity. Take good care of the gut because it will promote a healthy immune and digestive system. Healthy condition of the gut can have a big influence on food sensitivity.

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