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Guidelines for Displaying American Flag

Every country has a flag with different colors that stands for different things. Within a country you will also find flags in certain places for different reasons. When it comes to America, just like any other country, you will also get a flag. If you are in American, it’s important to learn how to display a flag and therefore ensure that you check this website to get more insights on the way to go when displaying a flag. A flag should be flown properly so as to respect a country. As an American, make sure that you check this homepage for you to get more info.

When hanging on a wall. You can hang the flag on a wall when you are displaying it. If you are hanging a flag on your wall, you must do it properly. One of the things that you have to avoid as you hang the American flag is to avoid to let it touch the floor or dcor.

You should also make sure that whenever you are hanging a flag, you let it flow freely. The flag ought to be on the top of the flag post and it must not be raised when its upside down. You can click for more photos of a flag here in order to see how it should be hanged. One way to show that a country is mourning is through the way their flag is hanged and a half flown flag or upside down flag indicates the mourning.

Times when one must not flow a flag when in America. Displaying a flag is done I different times and not all the time and therefore you have to know when to flow a flag and when not to do it. One of the instances when you should pull down your flag is in the event that it’s raining or there is snow or hail. When the sun sets, ensure that your flag is not flown. When you do all this, you will be respecting your flag and your country.

If the flag is torn, make sure that you also do not raise it. One ways of telling you that the flag should retire is when its torn. A flag has a better way to be thrown away and hence when it torn, you should learn how to dispose it. there are proper bodies in America that can teach you this so ensure that you look for them to show you.