Events That Will Take Place in the End Times
Christians believe that they are the bride waiting for marriage from their husband Jesus Christ. This is the day that is described as the biggest and cannot be compared to the day the world was created. There is also a lot of things written in the bible about the second coming of Christ. These things were first spoken by the prophets, Christ himself and the gospel commissioners after the ascending of Christ. It can be a little bit confusing to try to follow along with everything written in the bible about the end times. Every Christian should be aware of the events to take place in the end times. The following are some of the things about the end times taking references from the word of God you need to know.
One of the events that will take place in the last days talked about by the bible is that there will be the breaking of the seven seals. According to the book of revelation written by John, the breaking of every seal signifies that there will be an increase of war, famine as well as natural calamities among other things on the face of the earth. You can read all these things in the book of revelation chapter six to chapter eight. The opening of the seals is the first phase of the great suffering, a time of uproar and sorrow signifying the end times.
The other event that will take place during the end time is that there will be the rapture of the living and the dead. To simplify what the term rapture means is that it is an even when the Messiah will take home his bride which is the church. No one knows the time the rapture will occur but it is only God the Father who knows this day. This is not an event similar to the second coming of Christ which takes place at the end of the great sufferings.
The marriage of the lamb is another event scheduled to take place in the end times. Not much is written about this marriage but it can be inferred that the marriage of the lamb takes place in between the rapture and the second coming of Messiah right before the thousand years of church reigning in the world known as the millennium.
The end time will also involve the blowing of the trumpet. After the church has been taken by Christ and the casting down of the harlot is done, the second phase of the great trial will come. This is a stage that will encompass seven angels gusting seven trumpets in paradise. For every trumpet that will be blown by the angels, a new plague will occur on earth. This is the time when the Antichrist will also rise as well as the beast. This is something confusing to many but is basically a union of earthly leaders and federals blaspheming God and worshiping themselves. After the last trumpet has been blown by the seventh angel, all the second fruits will be harvested and the devil will be cast out of heaven and thrown to the earth.